Saturday, February 12, 2011

7.1 Coastal Management Questions 1 - 6

1. Describe how the settlement pattern of Australia is related to issues in the Coastal Environment
Over 85% of Australia's population lives within 50km of the coast, this high demand results in the construction of homes and apartments all over the coast. These excessive constructions result in coastal areas being entirely occupied and overcrowded leading to issues like pollution and land clearing.

2.Why is the sustainable development of the coastline the aim of coastal management strategies?
The sustainable development of the coastline is the aim of the coastal management strategies because of the high demand for property and concentration of people living on the coastline resulting in areas of coastline being over inhabited and then burning out. The sustainable development of the coastline is essential in preserving the coast for future generations to enjoy.

3. What trend has been labelled 'sea change'?
The trend of people living in big cities moving to smaller coastal towns has been labelled 'sea change'.

4.  Describe one government response to 'sea change'.
One of the government's responses to 'sea change' was to place population limits and residential caps on the particular towns in order to avoid overpopulation and crowding.

5. Select four of the geographical issues facing the coastal environment presented in this unit. For each issue identify the human actions that cause the issue.
Issue one: Pollution: The high concentration of people living on Australia's coast has resulted in the pollution of the coastal environment. The people living on the coasts drop rubbish and waste which then gets washed down into the storm water drains, and then into to sea. Many of the organisms living in the water eat and get poisoned by this rubbish, therefore killing them off.
Issue Two: Overpopulation: The overpopulation of coastal areas due to the high demand of coastal properties has led to several issues concerning the coastal environment. one of these issues is the coastal towns being unable to sustain the large amounts of people leading to expansions in infrastructure which, in turn, affects the value and beauty of the coast.
Issue Three: Introduced Flora Species: Over the years, certain issues have led to the introduction of various coastal plant species. These species have done their original task but have spread into other areas. Some of these introduced species have spread to other areas of the coastline and are inflicting damage on the coast. The introduced species spread so quickly, they overgrow and surround native plant species, starving them of Sun, therefore killing them. Also, as these species are unattractive, they are considered quite an eyesore on an otherwise beautiful area.
6. What role do geographers play in developing management solutions to issues in coastal environments?
Geographers play a great role in the development of management strategies as they have the greater understanding of the coastal issues and processes and therefore how they are most effective.

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